A Somewhat Regular Blog Series #13

Nov 3, 2020

We are speeding right towards the end of 2020… The weather in Dubai is, not to rub it in for any UK folks reading, absolutely perfect at the moment and being able to spend days and evenings outside is making the memories of a long summer with no travel and lockdown slowly fade. We are very lucky here that life is almost back to normal but my thoughts are with all of you who cannot say the same at the moment.

This is a somewhat belated update post as life has been super busy recently. It feels good after my gym teaching job ended in March to be back to full days, new experiences (an 8 degree ice bath being one of them), evening walks and meeting new people. I’m definitely on the more extroverted end of the spectrum so an indoor life, while not terrible, is never going to be my favourite.

A New Job

I started a new job just over four weeks ago. A while before I started I was chatting to Harry about how I’d love to do a job where my legal education can be put to use but which isn’t spending 12 hours at day in a grey law firm. Of course, I love teaching yoga but since March it’s not been a full time occupation or income stream for me (three private classes a day is really my maximum). I think my new opportunity is absolutely perfect for my skills and also aligns very closely with my interests, while leaving my energy fresh for other projects too. I’m currently working part-time for a wellness start-up, any vagueness here is intentional as I don’t want to give away too much online (no I am not selling essential oils and will not be sliding into any of your DMs) 😉

Of course, when I told friends that I had news most assumed it was an engagement announcement (such is the plight of a modern woman, eh?). It definitely got me thinking about what we celebrate and how. As a 33 year old female-identifying person, are the only milestones I can look forward to being celebrated the heteronormative ones (not that these shouldn’t be celebrated)? I think we can do better than this, for ourselves and for other women in our lives. Celebrate your friend’s new job, new business venture, pet’s birthday, or leaving a crappy job or relationship as much as engagements and babies are celebrated. Celebrate things that we do on our own as women, no man required!

I was really nervous to start this role, and to even share this new as many of you know that my last experience of a traditional job almost put me off for life. Even after I accepted the role I really restrained myself from being too happy just in case it either fell through or wasn’t what I wanted (being raised with the Persian “bad eye” superstition may also have something to do with it). Over four weeks later, I am super happy to be engaging my brain, learning a lot and also having fun and lots of healthy food along the way. A smaller set up and feeling trusted and respected means so much more than a certain job title, firm or paycheque.

A Full Life

I’m volunteering with a couple of charities at the moment and this has been a great experience. I’m helping a charity with their legal registration in the UAE, and will be volunteering as a store assistant at Dubai’s first thrift store, Thrift For Good, when it opens up!

I’ve also made friends with some of my Dubai “neighbours”, something that I didn’t think would ever happen here. Dubai is quite big and spread out so it’s been great to make friends who are literally across the street from me. It’s also given me a great opportunity to use my usually useless store of retained knowledge in our weekly quiz night at a local bar.

When I first moved to Dubai, my world felt so scarily tiny but now I’m finally back to having a really full life, using all my time productively, working in a varied way and making new friends. I’ve actually met more new people in 2020 than I did during my first year in Dubai… I had always resigned my time here to being a stage in my life where I wouldn’t have friends or where social time wouldn’t be a big feature in my life, finally being proved wrong!

Cat Lady

I rescued my second cat this month, a lovely long-haired male kitty (named Sky after some confusion thinking he was female when first rescued). He was dumped on the streets a few months ago, and, despite this he is such a calm and gentle kitty. He had to spend a week in the vet due to a bad case of flu but I was able to visit him in cat hospital and he is soon to be on his way to his foster home. I’m looking for forever homes for him both in Dubai and UK adoption is also a possibility.

I really wish I could keep him but Kit doesn’t want a brother and Harry definitely doesn’t want another cat… Huge thanks to everyone who has helped me with my first foray into rescuing, I’ve received so much advice from so many lovely people. And, to be in compliance with Dubai laws here, I have paid the vet bills of all of my rescues myself and have only received advice, tips and words of wisdom from fellow rescuers.


Yes, I’m still teaching online yoga! I’ve started to gradually cut back on classes a little as between working my part-time job, and doing all of the above I was starting to feel like I couldn’t give any one project 100% of my energy unless I stepped back a little. Teaching yoga classes in person is currently on the back-burner as it still doesn’t seem like the best time for most yoga studios business-wise. I was getting quite down about not hearing back from any studios which prompted me to seek out charity work, and then my new job opportunity came up so I feel like things are panning out as they are meant to?

I’m also no longer taking on new clients for online, so as to give those who have been practicing with me for over half the year priority over my class slots.

In December, I’m starting my Yin Yoga teacher training which I’m really excited. I love a hard sweaty class but recently I’m finding more peach and job in slower practices. I love teaching restorative poses to my students and will definitely be sharing more restorative and yin style practices once I’m properly trained.

Lockdown 2.0 Resources

For those of you going into lockdown, I thought I’d share a couple of things which may be helpful:

  • Heartcore are offering unlimited Zoom classes for £55 which is a really amazing deal, I did their online classes daily during lockdown in Dubai and loved the classes and amazing teachers 
  • One of my yoga teachers here in Dubai, Sarah White, has put together a “Covid Collection” of pre-recorded yoga classes
  • My friend and yoga student Michelle and her sister Louise have launched a range of cosy candles, the perfect treat if you’re spending more time at home
  • Another talented pair, Sophie and Jay, are selling cookies and brownies via post – perfect gifts, especially when you know someone will be home to sign for the order


How is your November going so far? Is your country/region/city in lockdown?