Lights of Soho – City Lights

Jun 16, 2015

I’m a huge fan of neon signs and neon art. Back in January I visited Gods Own Junkyard at Lights of Soho and bought my first art print (like, really, am I a proper grown up now?) and in Vegas the neon signs and Neon Museum were awesome. Lights of Soho currently have a new neon exhibition – whereas with Gods Own Junkyard the neon art took a backseat to the vintage signs, with “City Lights” the focus is much more on neon art and with pieces by established artists like Tracey Emin and new talent like Rebecca Mason – I bought her “Error” print after seeing the original at the first exhibition (although less proper grown up that I still haven’t framed it!).

The exhibition is free to enter and there’s a lovely bar inside for grabbing a coffee or a cocktail and free wifi too for catching up with the world. City Lights runs until 5th July so there’s still plenty of time to visit!

lights of soho city lights exhibition


lights of soho city lights exhibition


lights of soho city lights exhibition


lights of soho city lights exhibition


lights of soho city lights exhibition

What other exhibitions do I need to visit this summer?