Le Cafe Des Chats, Paris

May 16, 2014

The best thing about re-visiting a city is that you can pick slightly more unusual destinations – Le Cafe Des Chats being one of them. Cat cafes seem to be in vogue at the moment (my post on London’s kitty offering is here) and my friend C whom I was visiting in Paris is a cat lover so a few weeks before my visit I booked us a table (you can book via the website if your French is a little rusty – it gets booked up very quickly, especially at weekends!).

After being welcomed at the front desk we headed downstairs to a cosy underground cafe, tables and squishy sofas fill every little nook and cats are everywhere – sleeping on chairs and roaming around the cafe. The rules are simple – don’t wake up sleeping cats, don’t feed them human food (the cakes are far too good for the kitties, sorry!) and don’t take photos with the flash on.